State Of Decay Download Fully Full Version PC Game
State Of Decay was Developed by (Microsoft Studios Undead Labs)
published by (Microsoft Studios Undead Labs) The Game story line is
based on inficted town who have inficted the whole city and spreeding
far and far, the game was launched for adults the game contains horror
visuals which may disterb some of gamerz, the game have been designed by
high graphic technlogy and still improving more and more the game is
reloaded by fullytop10gamez, the player has to eat to survive for that
he have to brak into the suppermarkets but zombis are stopting his way,
the weppons are highly effectd, The health has to increas by just
killing the zombies.
System Requirements For This Game
- Windows = Xp,Vista,7,8
- Cpu: Intel = Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHZ OR More
- Ram = 1GB OR Better
- Video Card = 256MB OR Better
- Free Space = 1 GB
- Unrar the setup
- Install From Setup.exe
- Place The Crack File In the install folder
- And Play the game